Yes, this is my blog. I am new to this, and I really don't care whether anybody reads this. For those of you that do (for whatever reason). You hereby agree that I am not to be held responsible or liable for any damages caused; whether psychological, neurological, emotional, spiritual or physical.
Now that I have the legalities out of the way, I would like to get on with my blogging now.
I recently moved to my wonderful hometown of Monticello. Really it is not that wonderful of a place at all, but it is home I guess. There are no movie theaters, no bars, not even a WalMart. Everything closes at 5pm, and good luck doing anything on a god-forbidden Sunday. But above all things, the absolute worst is that I cannot pay any amount of money to connect to the interwebz faster than 3Mbps.
Many people that I speak with do not understand my frustration here. And I have found that many people are confused how speed is measured on the internet.
You may jump onto to measure the speed of your connection.
In data storage 1MB = 1,024 KB, and 1 KB = 1,024 Bytes and 1 Byte = 8 bits.
Bandwidth is measured a bit differently (no pun intended)
1Mbps = 1,000 Kbps, and 1 Kbps = 1,000 bits per second.
So if you want to convert your internet connection into something more tangible (like the speed your internet browser measures your downloads in) all you do is multiply your Mbps speed by 1000 to convert it to Kbps. Then divide that number by 8 and then divide the sum by 1024 to come up with your maximum download speed.
Speedtest tells me that I am connecting at about 3Mbps.
3Mbps x 1000 = 3,000 Kbps
3,000 Kbps / 8 = 375 bytes
375 bytes / 1,024 = 366 Kilobytes per second (or 366 KB/s)
366 KB per second is the fastest I can download any file off of the internet. Of course that all depends on the upload speed of the host.
That was a lot harder to explain than I could have ever imagined. So if I made some kind of error in the math, feel free to enlighten me.
I somehow went off on a serious tangent there. I will blog more about my life later...
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